Watch Intro Video

What is the "Wellness and Pleasure" course about?

A short video explaining what you can expect

Wellness & Pleasure...

... is an introductory course for women who are curious regarding their pleasure wellbeing.

Did you know that what you eat, your hormones and how you interact with the world can have a direct link to your pleasure experience?

From our wellness practice with over 20 years of experience supporting our clients to achieve better quality of life using different disciplines, we have gathered some practical tools on how to enhance your connection to your senses and to your pleasure capabilities.

Pleasure is an experience of our being: it has great health benefits and we would like you to have more of it.

From our own personal experience, our client's and research done we are bringing this course to you to learn and grow.


Vanessa & Nita
Vanessa and Nita welcome you to your Wellness & Pleasure course

Overview of the lessons in the Wellness & Pleasure course

    1. About The Course

    2. What Made You Make A Course About Pleasure

    1. Lesson 1 - What Is Pleasure

    2. Lesson 2 - Introduction To Your 5 Senses

    3. Lesson 3 - Sense Of Touch

    4. Lesson 4 - Sense Of Sight

    5. Lesson 5 - Taste & Smell

    6. Lesson 6 - The sense of Sound

    7. Lesson 7 - Why The 5 Senses

    8. Lesson 8 - Dietary Inhibitors

    9. Lesson 9 - Desire Dietary Enhancers

    10. Lesson 10 - Hormonal Imbalances

    11. Lesson 11 - Kundalini Energy

    1. How Can Men Support Their Partners

    2. Biggest Revelation From Your Personal Journey

    3. What Encouragement Will You Give A Woman Sitting On The Fence Not Sure If She Wants To Connect To More Pleasure In Her Life

    4. What Is The Connection To Wellness And Pleasure

    1. About Vanessa

    2. About Nita

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Your pleasure guides...

Are running a successful online and in-person practice with 20 years of experience

Internationally Certified Holistic Practitioner Vanessa Crawford-Murphy

Internationally Certified Holistic Practitioner with expertise in various Natural healthcare therapies. Having spent many years in the corporate world (as an analytical chemist) while managing a large blended family and understanding the daily stressors faced by many women (and men) in similar situations, led me to move away from this career path and focus on how I could possibly assist individuals to experience more of the pleasures in life. I now work daily (and have for the last 10 years) with women and men to assist them in doing the same.

Integrative Health & Lifestyle Strategist Nita Barrett

Integrative Health and Lifestyle Strategist, working with various modalities, including BodyTalk, LifePrint OS and Fascia Release. As an educator for the better part of 20 years, I worked with children and families daily. My need to understand how to effectively assist children and adults in my care without the use of chemical medication led me on my current path of simple daily natural self-care.

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